Oakville News

Keeping up with all the latest Oakville news is a great way to find out what’s going on in your community, whether you've lived in Oakville your entire life or you’re just moving here now. Newspapers are still an excellent source of information for residents of the town, plus we have a number of websites that now provide news of the town too, and of course, the newspapers themselves publish their stories on the internet too, so there are many ways to keep up to date with local news updates.

A Part of the Community

News isn't always doom and gloom; in fact in towns like Oakville much of the news that’s reported is of happy events and things that have helped to bring the community together. As a long term resident, or a brand new one, it’s always good to keep up to date with what’s going on in the news – you can read about things that will affect you as a resident, reports on news that has happened recently, and stories about upcoming entertainment, festivals, children’s events, and other organised cultural or recreational events that are planned for the town.

Newspapers Covering Oakville

So what are the best places to look for Oakville news? Well we have several newspapers that cover news in the town. The forerunner is the Oakville Beaver, published three times a week. This informative community newspaper has won a number of awards including the Best All Around Newspaper in Ontario, and even in Canada. The Oakville Beaver is a great place to look for local news, crime, sports, entertainment, and local opinions.

A second print source for news is Oakville Today. This newspaper is published weekly and it’s delivered to homes in the north of Oakville, north of the QEW, so naturally it has a focus on news and events that are happening in this part of town. News, events, and sports are all covered in this community newspaper.

Looking Online

With the internet being what it is you don’t have to rely on newspapers being delivered to your door these days; you can just pop online to find out all the latest Oakville news. InsideHalton.com is a news website that covers the whole of the Halton region (in which Oakville is located) so you can look at general news related to the region on this website, or look specifically at stories from those newspapers mentioned above, the Oakville Beaver and Oakville Today.

It’s not just newspaper websites that have news though. It’s always a good idea to look on the town website, Oakville.ca on a regular basis as there’s frequently news reported on here that affects residents of the town. There could be changes to bylaws that affect you and are easily missed when reported in the newspapers. The town website is a fast and convenient way to keep up to date with this kind of news. And finally there are independent websites such as Oakville.com and OakvilleNews.org where you can go to find news stories and plenty of useful information about the town and anything that’s going on.

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